Climate Engineering Cover-Up: Geoengineering Over Our Oceans
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Dane Plagiarizes My Patent List
So much for giving proper credit.
Ship Tracks on ClimateViewer 3D
Sulfuric Acid from Aviation and Ship Tracks may be higher today than Geoengineering SRM would require in 2020
Contrails Explained: The Geoengineering SRM Field Experiment
E-PEACE Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment, July-August 2011
HAARP and Project Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Try to maintain or even enhance the current cooling effect from currently emitted sulphate aerosols in the troposphere at mid to high northern latitudes. For example the regulation to ban bunker fuel for ships should be relaxed while encouraging continued use of bunker fuel where the resulting aerosol emissions might be beneficial. Reduction of sulphate aerosol ‘pollution’ will be unpopular with many environment groups, but the priority to cool the Arctic has to be established. - Arctic Methane Emergency Group - Strategic Plan
Geoengineering Watch = Methane Doom Believers
About 1,890 results
What is bunker fuel?
Geoengineering marine stratocumulus clouds - where, when & whether to inject aerosols
Stratocumulus Decks - labs for inadvertent & planned cloud seeding
“Accidental Geoengineering” with Ship Tracks and Contrails
“Studies have found that ships have a net cooling effect on the planet, despite belching out nearly a billion tons of carbon dioxide each year. That’s almost entirely because they also emit sulfur, which can scatter sunlight in the atmosphere and form or thicken clouds that reflect it away.”
We’re about to kill a massive, accidental experiment in reducing global warming - MIT Technology Review
At Last, the Shipping Industry Begins Cleaning Up Its Dirty Fuels
Goldman Sachs Explains Bunker Fuel Removal Costs
In a single day, one cruise ship emits as much particulate as 1 million cars. Learn about the effects of new rules that limit shipping pollution. Insight from @GoldmanSachs
Sentinel tracks ships’ dirty emissions from orbit
Ship Tracks over Lake Superior, November 2017
Effects of contrails and ship tracks on climate
These clouds are called ship tracks International Shipping Tracker
Multibeam Bathymetric Survey Ship Tracks
Thunderstruck! Chaff, Lasers, Rockets, and Lightning Control