HAARP – The World’s Sexiest Energy Weapon

HAARP – The World’s Sexiest Energy Weapon
This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters
Also check out WeatherModificationHistory.com

HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program has to be (at least for me) the most fascinating device on the planet. A source of much controversy, with stories of weather modification and earthquake warfare dominating the conspiracy rings, this article seeks to piece together a thorough understanding of this amazing facility, its capabilities, and its cousins.

The Man: Tesla – Man Out of Time by Margaret Cheney - from archive.org

The Plan: HAARP Joint Services Program Plans and Activities – 1990

The Players:

We Support HAARP

HAARP’s contact information:

Office of Public Affairs, Air Force Research Laboratory, 3550 Aberdeen Ave S.E., Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5776

US Air Force Research LabOffice of Naval ResearchDefense Advanced Research Project (DARPA)Stanford VLF Group (& www-star.stanford.edu/~vlf/)



High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) Original DARPA page now deleted. mirrored here:

Program Manager: Dr. Sheldon Meth


The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) developed new experimental research capabilities and conducted research programs to exploit emerging ionosphere and radio science technologies related to advanced defense applications. The FY 1990 Appropriation Act provided funds for the creation of HAARP, jointly managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research to exploit emerging ionosphere and high power radio technology for new military systems applications. Key to the current effort was the expansion of the experimental research facility that includes a 3.6 MW high-frequency transmitter and a variety of diagnostic instruments, to conduct investigations to characterize the physical processes that can be initiated and controlled in the ionosphere and space, via interactions with high power radio waves. Among these were: (1) the generation of extremely low frequency/very low frequency radio waves for submarine and other subsurface communication, and the reduction of charged particle populations in the radiation belts to ensure safe spacecraft systems operations; (2) the control of electron density gradients and the refractive properties in selected regions of the ionosphere to create radio wave propagation channels; and (3) the generation of optical and infrared emissions in space to calibrate space sensors. To date, the facility has been developed to include a suite of optical and radio diagnostics and an advanced, modern, high frequency transmitting array that has a radiated power of 960 kW, about one-third of the 3.6MW called for in the original concept and plan. The current high frequency transmitting array has proven to be extremely reliable and flexible, and has shown the feasibility of the overall concept. However, results to date have indicated that the advanced applications-related research activities and new military system concept demonstrations envisioned under the program require that the high frequency transmitting capability at the site be increased from the present 960 kW level to the originally planned 3.6 MW level. A study completed by an Air Force/Navy Panel also pointed to additional high-value functions that can potentially be accomplished with the a 3.6 MW capability, in particular, the exploration and refinement of scientific principles that could lead to the development and deployment of a system to provide protection for spacebased assets from emergent asymmetric threats. DARPA established an MOA with the Air Force and Navy for this program in November 2002. The HAARP technology is transitioning to the Air Force and Navy in FY 2006.

Program Plans

  • Completed the HAARP high frequency transmitting array at the HAARP Research Station, Gakona, AK.
  • Prepared the existing HAARP facility in preparation for ionospheric testing.
  • Conducted advanced ionosphere and radio science research and analysis of applications including space-based asset protection and phenomena related to its implementation.
  HAARP official website image

Devices at the Gakona, Alaska HAARP array

HAARP - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

(IRI) Ionospheric Research Instrument

3.6 Megawatt Effective Radiated Power (official)

Basically, the IRI is what is known as a phased array transmitter. It is designed to transmit a narrow beam of high power radio signals in the 2.8 to 10 MHz frequency range. Its antenna is built on a gravel pad having dimensions of 1000’ x 1200’ (about 33 acres). There are 180 towers, 72’ in height mounted on thermopiles spaced 80’ apart in a 12 x 15 rectangular grid. Each tower supports near its top, two pairs of crossed dipole antennas, one for the low band (2.8 to 8.3 MHz), the other for the high band (7 to 10 MHz). The antenna system is surrounded by an exclusion fence to prevent possible damage to the antenna towers or harm to large animals. An elevated ground screen, attached to the towers at the 15’ level, acts as a reflector for the antenna array while allowing vehicular access underneath to 30 environmentally-controlled transmitter shelters spaced throughout the array. Each shelter contains 6 pairs of 10 kW transmitters, for a total of 6 x 30 x 2 x 10 kW = 3600 kW available for transmission. The transmitters can be switched to drive either the low or high band antennas. Electric prime power is provided from an on-site power plant housing five, 2500 kW generators, each driven by a 3600 hp diesel engine. Four generators are required for operation of the IRI and the fifth is held as a spare. From a control room within the Operations Center, the transmission from each of the 180 crossed-dipole antennas is adjusted in a precise manner under computer control. In this manner, the complete array of antennas forms a narrow antenna pattern pointed upward toward the ionosphere. The transmitted signal diverges (spreads out) as it travels upward and is partially absorbed, at an altitude which depends on the transmitted HF frequency, in a small volume several tens of miles in diameter and a few hundred meters thick directly over the facility. The remainder of the transmitted signal either reflects back toward the earth or passes through the ionosphere into space, continuing to diverge as it does so. By the time it reaches the ionosphere, the intensity of the HF signal is less than 3 micro watts (0.000003 watt) per cm2, thousands of times less than the Sun’s natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times less, even, than the variations in intensity of the Sun’s natural ultraviolet (UV) energy which creates the ionosphere.

HAARP - A View to Dipole HAARP The Ionospheric Research Instrument - IRI

Inside view of trailer in image above:

HAARP - transmitter shelter inside view

Modular UHF Ionospheric Radar (446 MHz, 512 elements)

HAARP - Modular UHF Ionospheric Radar - MUIR

All sky riometer Imaging riometer 8 X 8 Array Fluxgate Magnetometer Induction Magnetometer All-sky imagers Computer Controlled Telescopic imager

HAARP Optical Pad

Optical Shelters and 14 ft Dome

HAARP - Optical Dome


HAARP Ionosonde

Tomography Chain (150/400 MHz satellite receivers) Cordova -> Kaktovik

VHF Radar (139 MHz)

HAARP VHF Radar 139 MHz

Ionospheric Scintillation Receivers

SATSIN (Chistochina/Nebesna)


Total Electron Content

Radio Background Receivers

Multiple Off-site Broadband ELF/VLF Receivers

SEE Receiver string

HF - UHF Spectrum Monitor

HF 2-30 MHz High Angle Receiving Antenna

HAARP - HF Receiving Antennas

Aircraft Alert Radar

HAARP - Aircraft Alert Radar

HAARP Research Building

HAARP - Research Building

And inside that building is…

Research Control Room - aka “Death Star 1”

HAARP - Research Control Room - Death Star 1

Diagnostic Instrument Display Area

HAARP - Diagnostic Instrument Display Area

Power Plants

HAARP - Natural Gas Power Plant

HAARP Webcam (currently offline)

HAARP webcam 1 HAARP Webcam 2

So what exactly does HAARP do?

Let's start with a great article on Wired.com that gives us the facts on HAARP's origins and proposed uses:

Source: Strange New Air Force Facility Energizes Ionosphere, Fans Conspiracy Flames @ WIRED.COM

One of the first ideas came mid-decade from Bernard Eastlund, a physicist working for oil-and-gas conglomerate Atlantic Richfield. Arco had the rights to trillions of cubic feet of natural gas under Alaska’s North Slope. The problem had always been how to get that gas to the port at Valdez. Eastlund had a better idea: Use the gas onsite to fuel a giant ionospheric heater. Such a facility, he wrote in a series of patents, could fry Soviet missiles in mid-flight or maybe even nudge cyclones and other extreme weather toward enemies. That’s right: weaponized hurricanes.

Arco’s executives presented the idea to Simon Ramo, one of the godfathers of the US intercontinental ballistic missile program. Ramo passed it on to the under secretary of defense, who in turn gave it to the Pentagon’s advanced research arm, Darpa, and the DOD’s secretive science advisory board, code-named Jason. Tony Tether, director of Darpa’s strategic technology office, gave Arco a contract to conduct a feasibility study. Arco brought on board none other than Dennis Papadopoulos as a consultant.HAARP Budget

Papadopoulos wasn’t very impressed. Eastlund’s tricks wouldn’t work even if the site were in the right place along Earth’s magnetic field—which it wasn’t. But the ad hoc coalition of radio scientists did like the idea of setting up a new heater in Alaska. In those upper latitudes, the ionosphere intersects with Earth’s magnetic field and becomes scientifically interesting.

Luckily, the senior senator from Alaska, Ted Stevens, enjoyed a reputation for inserting projects into the federal budget to benefit his home state, most notoriously a $223 million bridge from the town of Ketchikan to, well, not much of anyplace. In 1988, the researchers sat down with Stevens and assured him that an ionospheric heater would be a bona fide scientific marvel and a guaranteed job creator, and it could be built for a mere $30 million. “He provided some congressional money, some pork money,” Papadopoulos says. “It was much less than the bridge to nowhere.” Just like that, the Pentagon had $10 million for ionospheric heater research.

Now the scientists had some start-up cash, but they also needed hardware—and for that, they had to enlist the military. In a series of meetings in the winter of 1989-90, the field’s leading lights, including Papadopoulos, pitched the Navy and the Air Force. Haarp, they asserted, could lead to “significant operational capabilities.” They’d build a giant phased antenna array that would aim a finely tuned beam of high- frequency radio waves into the sky. The beam would excite electrons in the ionosphere, altering that spot’s conductivity and inducing it to emit its own extremely low frequency waves, which could theoretically penetrate the earth’s surface to reveal hidden bunkers or be used to contact deeply submerged submarines.

That last app caught the military’s attention. Communicating with subs thousands of miles away, under thousands of feet of ocean, requires ultralow frequencies, and that requires whomping-big antennas. To do it, the Navy had built an array in the upper Midwest that transmits its signal through bedrock, but its construction required razing 84 miles’ worth of hundred-foot-wide path through wilderness, including a national forest. It drove local environmentalists crazy. But who would protest an ephemeral antenna in the sky?

So Bernard Eastlund proposed the HAARP facility could weaponize hurricanes, perform intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) defense, do underground probing, and transmit to submarines. The image below and subsequent descriptions will flesh out HAARP’s current capabilities.

HAARP's mission, multi-purpose

HAARP's Mission

The heart of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is an ionospheric heater that shoots electromagnetic energy into Earth's atmosphere. Five generators pump out 2.9 megawatts each; 180 antennas convert the electricity into high-frequency radio waves and send them into the ionosphere, which turns them into low-frequency waves. Why? Research. An energized ionosphere could be used for all sorts of cool stuff.
Communication Haarp can bounce signals off the ionosphere with wavelengths long enough to penetrate deep into the ocean and communicate with submarines.

Protection Researchers are testing whether ionospheric waves could nudge H-bomb-generated electrons out of the magnetosphere, shielding orbiting satellites.

Atmospheric Research At about 125 miles up, Haarp’s waves can energize free electrons, which collide with neutral atoms to produce a glow like the aurora borealis.

Surveillance How low-frequency waves are absorbed and reflected by the earth can reveal what’s underneath—including hidden bunkers.

HAARP VLF ELF wave propagation

Now let’s dissect these four categories.


HAARP uses high-frequency radio waves to heat a disc-shaped area of the ionosphere. This heated disc is then perturbed (agitated) to make it vibrate. This vibration produces deep bass tones known as (ULF) ultra-low, (ELF) extra-low, or (VLF) very-low frequency emissions. These frequencies of sound are known for their long waveforms which travel very long distances and pass through solid objects, as opposed to high-frequency emissions which tend to reflect off solid objects more easily. A typical example of this is a loud radio playing inside a house. You can hear the bass beating clearly outside, though the words and other musical notes are washed out. The heated ionospheric disc works exactly like a sub-woofer to produce these ELF/VLF waves.

This paper describes in detail how HAARP uses the Ionosphere to create ELF waves:

PDF - Orientation of the HAARP ELF ionospheric dipole and the auroral electrojet

Radio waves from sources other than HAARP can bounce their signals off this disc, extending their range. Some of the transmitted radio waves generated by the HAARP IRI pass through this heated disc and ride the the magnetosphere to what are known as conjugate locations on the opposite hemisphere. This action endangers satellites as excited free electrons can play hell with their circuitry, and these electrons raining down on the Earth at the conjugate location can trigger an earthquake. It could be argued that these precipitating electrons end up in aquifers underground, where water is heated, increasing pressure on bedrock, finally triggering an earthquake.

HAARP Conjugate Point Precipitating Electrons HAARP and the Van Allen Belts HAARP One-Hop Experiment Logo

To test these conjugate location transmissions, the Stanford VLF group made three successive buoys to place in the Southern Pacific ocean and catch HAARP’s signals.

Images and PDF’s Source: Standford.edu

One-Hop ELF/VLF Measurements at the HAARP Conjugate Point: Buoy Feasibility Study

HAARP VLF buoy HAARP VLF buoy mooring

The best papers I have found describing in detail how this functions can be found here:


This paper covers HAARP, and it's father Siple Station, Antarctica, ULF/ELF/VLF conjugation and amplification techniques.

Simulations of ELF radiation generated by heating the high-latitude D- region Source: http://wwwppd.nrl.navy.mil/whatsnew/haarp/

“By modulating the ambient current flowing in the ionosphere, e.g., the auroral electrojet, it is possible to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) radiation. This ionospheric modification technique can provide such waves for probing both the Earth and the ionosphere- magnetosphere. The modification occurs in the lower D-region and can provide information about the ambient conditions in one of the least diagnosed regions of the ionosphere.

The electrojet is modulated by using a high frequency heater (a few MHZ) with the power modulated at the desired ELF/VLF frequency to heat the ionospheric electrons in the lower D-region. Figure 1a shows a sketch of the heater and heated region. The heated region is typically at 75 km (though this depends upon the carrier frequency) and can be 30 km in diameter and a few km thick. Viewed from above (see Figure 1b) the heated region is a roughly circular patch. The smoothness of the heated region depends upon the antenna radiation pattern as well as D-region conditions. The heating increases the electron-neutral collision rate which changes the conductivities. Since on ELF time scales the ambient electric field is constant, modulating the conductivity produces a current modulated at the same frequency. At these altitudes the conductivity change is predominantly in the Hall conductivity. If the ambient electric field, E, is in ±y direction, a time varying current perturbation is generated, j, in the ±x direction (Fig. 1b). The time varying current launches waves both up and down the Earth’s magnetic field. In the simulations shown here, we start with a time-varying current and study the downward propagating waves and how they couple into the Earth-ionospheric wave guide."


Geometric modulation - A more effective method of steerable ELF-VLF 2008-03 mirrored for stanford.edu

A novel method of ELF/VLF wave generation via HF heating is implemented, herein named ‘geometric modulation’ (GM), whereby the HF heating beam is scanned along a geometric pattern with constant power. We have described three particular forms of GM, where the beam scans at a constant radius (circle-sweep), back and forth along an azimuth (line-sweep), or one way along an azimuth (sawtooth-sweep).

Near HAARP, GM is less effective than AM below 2 kHz, but more effective above 3 kHz. For long distance observations, GM consistently produces substantially stronger signals than AM for ELF/VLF frequencies above 3 kHz, by as much as 7 –11 dB. In addition, GM can lead to the creation of an unprecedented ELF phased array, capable of directed radiation at different azimuths within the EIW. Furthermore, additional improvements in both the resultant ELF/VLF amplitudes and the effective array directivity may yet be realized with further theoretical and experimental optimization.

HAARP atmospheric disturbance modelling - spiral


Stanford PhD thesis by Mark Golkowski December 2008

Modulated High Frequency (HF, 3—30 MHz) heating of the auroral electrojet to generate electromagnetic waves in the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF, 3—3000 Hz) and Very Low Frequency (VLF, 3—30 kHz) bands is investigated in the context of magnetospheric wave injection experiments. The ionospheric heating facility of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is used to excite non-linear amplification of whistler mode waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. Experimental evidence is presented of the first HF heater generated signals experiencing 'ducted' inter-hemispheric propagation and wave-particle interactions resulting in amplification and triggering of free running emissions. The roles of transmitter parameters as well as natural background conditions of the observations are characterized. Dispersion of observed signals is used to determine the magnetospheric propagation paths and associated cold plasma densities. It is found that HAARP induced triggered emissions occur primarily inside the plasmapause and the availability and coupling into magnetospheric 'ducts' is likely one of the limiting factors for observations. Phase and amplitude changes in the observed signals are used to resolve the temporal behavior of the non-linear resonant current vector that drives amplification. The observed resonant current behavior is discussed in the context of numerical models and used to make inferences about the magnetospheric hot plasma distribution. Ground based capabilities of detection of energetic particle precipitation from the Earth's radiation belts induced by HAARP generated ELF/VLF waves are assessed experimentally and theoretically. A phenomenon of cross-modulation between whistler-mode signals and HF ionospheric heating is observed and investigated as a new method to generate ELF/VLF radiation using an HF ionospheric heater.

Source: UMI.com

PDF - Cluster observations of ELF/VLF signals generated by modulated heating of the lower ionosphere with the HAARP HF transmitter

Abstract. It is now well known that amplitude modulated HF transmissions into the ionosphere can be used to generate ELF/VLF signals using the so-called “electrojet antenna”. Although most observations of the generated ELF/VLF signals have been made on the ground, several low and high altitude satellite observations have also been reported (James et al., 1990). One of the important unknowns in the physics of ELF/VLF wave generation by ionospheric heating is the volume of the magnetosphere illuminated by the ELF/VLF waves. In an attempt to investigate this question further, ground-satellite conjunction experiments have recently been conducted using the four Cluster satellites and the HF heater of the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Gakona, Alaska. Being located on largely closed field lines at L4.9, HAARP is currently also being used for ground-to-ground type of ELF/VLF wave-injection experiments, and will be increasingly used for this purpose as it is now being upgraded for higher power operation. In this paper, we describe the HAARP installation and present recent results of the HAARP-Cluster experiments. We give an overview of the detected ELF/VLF signals at Cluster, and a possible explanation of the spectral signature detected, as well as the determination of the location of the point of injection of the HAARP ELF/VLF signals into the magnetosphere using ray tracing.

Source: ann-geophys.net

Verified HAARP Experiments:

HAARP Experiment Timetable


Ballistic missiles take many things into account when trying to reach their intended target. If these variables change, the missile will miss it's target. If you heat the ionosphere with HAARP, the troposphere below rises to fill the void created by a rising ionosphere. This alone could possibly destroy a missile; more importantly this action can alter the jet stream, change the direction of a hurricane, as well as numerous other weather related effects. HAARP is also able to neutralize an incoming missile or vehicle using electromagnetic pulse, an energy discharge that destroys electronic equipment. Finally there are claims that HAARP can charge the magnetosphere, creating an artificial shield, which could bolster Earth's defenses in the event of a geomagnetic storm. Ronald Reagan's Star Wars, aka the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), finally has the tools to actually create a missile "shield."

As these are top secret military technologies, proving these claims may be next to impossible, however there are some documents that give us a glimpse of what the military wants to accomplish.

Source: PDF - Owning the Weather in 2025 written August 1996

Air Force 2025 Website


Precipitation Enhancement

  • Flood Lines of Communication
  • Reduce PGM Effectiveness
  • Decrease Comfort Level
  • Morale Storm Enhancement
  • Deny Operations
  • Precipitation Denial
  • Deny Fresh Water
  • Induce Drought Space Weather
  • Disrupt Communications/Radar
  • Disable/Destroy Space Assets
  • Destroy Underground Aquifers
  • Water Supply
Fog and Cloud Removal
  • Deny Concealment
  • Increase Vulnerability to PGM/Recce
  • Detect Hostile Weather Activities


Precipitation Avoidance

  • Maintain/Improve LOC
  • Maintain Visibility
  • Maintain Comfort Level
  • Morale Storm Modification
  • Choose Battlespace Environment Space Weather
  • Improve Communication Reliability
  • Intercept Enemy Transmissions
  • Revitalize Space Assets

Fog and Cloud Generation

  • Increase Concealment
  • Fog and Cloud Removal
  • Maintain Airfield Operations
  • Enhance PGM Effectiveness
  • Defend against Enemy Capabilities


  • provide a wide-area Earth-penetrating tomography which, if combined with the computing abilities of EMASS and Cray computers, would make it possible to verify many parts of nuclear nonproliferation and peace agreements (see underground tunnels, voids)
  • give the military a tool to replace the electromagnetic pulse effect of atmospheric thermonuclear devices (still considered a viable option through at least 1986) EMP
  • replace the huge Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine communication system operating in Michigan and Wisconsin with a new and more compact technology
  • be used to replace the over-the-horizon radar system that was once planned for the current location of HAARP with a more flexible and accurate system
  • provide a way to wipe out communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military's own communications systems working (EMP with capsulated encrypted communication transmission)
  • be a tool for geophysical probing to find oil, gas and mineral deposits over a large area (see underground tunnels, voids)
  • be used to detect incoming low-level planes and cruise missiles, making other technologies obsolete, as well as deflect/destroy them (directed EMP blasts)
  • mind control (high power RF signals within the unsafe 30-300Mhz range could render you a zombie or vegetable, you know "just standing there, like, in the middle of the street, drooling and everything" Take that HalfPastHuman! )
2025 Technology Abstract - EARTHQUAKE WEAPON

Source: Air Force 2025

This technology abstract is a submittal by the general public. The views expressed in this abstract are strictly those of the author and do not reflect the official policy, position, or programs of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States Government.

DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Document ID: 800062 Technology Abstract Title: Earthquake Weapon

Description: Ultrasonic or acoustic weapon to destroy runways, buildings, bridges. Weapon will generate a very strong acoustic wave that causes structures to resonate, and thereby destroy them. This has the advantage of being a destructive force that is not designed to kill people.

Advantages: Destructive to structures and war-making potential, but does not directly threaten people.

Challenges: How to generate a strong enough acoustic field.

Countermeasures: Acoustic wave cancellation methods (generate a wave out of phase with the weapon) standard earthquake protection methods, such as flexible structures, truss designs, reinforced materials.

Possible Applications: Destruction of structures Attacking hardened, hidden structures. Airfield interdiction (destroy runways) Civilian application: demolition.


Technology Areas: Directed Energy and Kinetic Energy Systems Technology (PRIMARY) Munitions Devices and Energetic Materials Technology Survivability and Hardening Technology

“So you’re telling me they can make earthquakes, yeah right.” Don’t take my word for it:

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.” “So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.” US. Secretary of Defense Cohen Source: Defense.gov


As it is obvious that many types of research are being conducted at the HAARP facility, I will not elaborate on these except to share some more interesting papers.

PDF - The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)

CARE - Charged Aerosol Release Experiment

Objectives of CARE Program

  • Artificial Noctilucent Cloud Formation
  • Physics of Enhanced Radar Scatter
  • Radar, Lidar and Optical Diagnostics
  • Satellite Measurements (AIM)
Release from Nihka Solid Rocket Motor
  • Large Concentration of Dust
  • Supersonic Injection Velocity
Experiment Enhancements
  • Ground and Ship Ionosonde Diagnostics
  • Direct Injection by Chemical Release Module
CARE - Charged Aerosol Release Experiment - diagram 1

CARE Program on Wikipedia

The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment also known as CARE, is a project run by NASA which will use a rocket to release of dust in the upper atmosphere to form a dusty plasma in space. NASA plans to trigger cloud formation around the rocket’s exhaust particles. The clouds thus generated are intended to simulate naturally occurring phenomena called noctilucent clouds, which are the highest clouds in the atmosphere. The CARE experiment is intended to create an artificial dust layer at the boundary of space in a controlled sense, in order to “allow scientists to study different aspects of it, the turbulence generated on the inside, the distribution of dust particles and such.”

The dust cloud is generated using the Nihka motor dust generator. The dust cloud is composed of aluminum oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, water, and nitrogen, as well as smaller amounts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, monatomic chlorine, and monatomic hydrogen.

According to NASA, SHIMMER will track the CARE dust cloud for days or even months. The SHIMMER instrument has previously viewed natural noctilucent clouds for the past two years. The CARE will be the first space viewing of an artificial noctilucent cloud.

The rocket was set to launch between 7:30 and 7:57 EDT on Tuesday Sept. 14, 2009 from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility near Chincoteague, Virginia.

Source: Wikipedia

CARE - Charged Aerosol Release Experiment - diagram 3

Navy Research Lab Spectra Magazine mentions CARE Program

CARE-I launched by DoD STP sounding rocket. The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment I (CARE-I) was launched by the DoD STP from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility at dusk on September 19, 2009, to investigate properties of charged dust in the ionosphere. The bright optical CARE-I upper atmospheric display, easily seen from the ground along the East Coast of the United States, was produced by sunlight scattered by concentrated rocket exhaust that was released at 290 km altitude by a delayed firing of the sounding rocket fourth stage. The exhaust material, composed of 1/3 aluminum oxide particles and 2/3 combustion product molecules, interacted with the ionosphere to create a dusty plasma with high-speed pick-up ions. Ground-based radars tracked the effects of CARE-I on the ionosphere for more than four hours, producing valuable data about how rocket motors affect ionospheric densities. CARE-I also provided a simulation of natural disturbances in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Source: nrl.navy.mil

CARE - Charged Aerosol Release Experiment - diagram 2

PDF - High Frequency Radar Astronomy With HAARP - Moon Research

Abstract-At high frequency, radio waves will interact with space plasmas and surfaces of local astronomical objects, producing an echo that can provide new diagnostic data. The availability of high power radars operating at high frequencies opens a window for the remote investigation of our surrounding space environment. We discuss and illustrate this technique with some specific examples.

Original Source: dtic.mil



The coordinated South American ionospheric measurement campaign, COPEX was held from October through December, 2002. Analysis of the sounder data fom the equatorial site at Cachimbo, Brazil reinforced the general understanding of the difficulty in predicting the onset of spread F on any particular night. Measurement of sporadic E formation at the magnetic field footprint in the anomaly regions provided no insight into the spread F formation problem. RPI/IMAGE reception of groundbased VLF transmissions in space over a period of two years was used to determine the efficiency for generating whistler mode waves that propagate along the magnetic field to the satellite. These results are compared with AFRL ray tracing simulations. Extensive analysis was carried out on the use of VLF/LF transmissions from a space platform to interact with high energy trapped electrons in the plasmasphere and scatter them so that they cannot cause damage to low earth orbiting satellites. Source: dtic.mil



HAARP is a huge radar, making this category obvious, so let's focus on underground imaging. Here are some nuggets describing HAARP's use to probe the underground.

Pentagon Scientists Target Iran’s Nuclear Mole Men @ WIRED.COM

Pentagon mad science division Darpa has an array of research projects devoted to Underground Facility Detection & Characterization. According to the program’s website, the agency’s Strategic Technologies Office is:

“investing in sensor technologies that find, characterize and identify facility function, pace of activity, and activities in conjunction with their pre- and post-attack status. STO is also investigating non-nuclear earth-penetrating systems for the defeat of hard and deeply buried targets.”

Seeing through solid rock might sound like a tall order, but Darpa thrives on challenge. One project is called Airborne Tomography using Active Electromagnetics, which builds on technology originally developed by the geophysical exploration industry. The ground is illuminated with electromagnetic energy — typically extremely low frequency — and the distortions on the return show the presence of underground facilities and tunnels. Some years ago, military-backed scientists at Alaska’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) were able to map out tunnels at depths of a hundred feet or greater. Papadopoulos, for example, says he wants to do another round of subterranean surveillance experiments. “Personally, I believe it can reach 1,000 kilometers. It [currently] can’t reach Iran, if that’s your question,” one of those researchers, Dennis Papadopoulos told Danger Room. “But if I put HAARP on a ship, or on an oil platform, who knows?”

Papadopoulos must be smiling, as his HAARP on a ship was built:

HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform

US Navy HAARP SBX platform

“The radar (SBX) is so powerful that if it were off the east coast of the United States near Washington, D.C., it would be capable of detecting the motion and rotation of a baseball launched into outer space from the San Francisco area,” according the to the Missile Defense Agency.

Source: Navy.mil

The SBX deserves it’s own article, so let’s continue talking about HAARP.

Detection and Imaging of Underground Structures Using ELF/VLF Radio Waves

HAARP wide pan shot

ELF/VLF radio waves penetrate deeply beneath the surface of the earth and interact with the geologic structure of the earth. This interaction induces secondary fields with measurable effect at and above the surface of the earth. Proper understanding of the physics of the generation and propagation of ELF/VLF waves and their interactions with earth materials will allow these waves to be used for applications such as sub-surface communications and exploration of the subsurface geological structure. The research called for under this effort is to assess the viability of exploiting the concept of electromagnetic induction to detect and image subterranean features such as tunnels, bunkers, and other potential military targets.

Geophysical surveying using natural ELF/VLF sources, such as lightning or auroral generated signals, is an established procedure. In general, however, the procedure has been developed with the interest in locating areas of highly conductive material such as metal ore deposits.

In 1994, the Senate Armed Services Committee noted the promising results of the high frequency active auroral research program (HAARP). This transmitter in Alaska, besides providing a world class research facility for ionospheric physics, could allow earth- penetrating tomography over most of the northern hemisphere. Such a capability would permit the detection and precise location of tunnels, shelters, and other underground shelters. The absence of such a capability has been noted as a serious weakness in the Department of Defense plans for precision attacks on hardened targets and for counterproliferation. In fact, the May 1994 report from the Deputy Secretary of Defense on nonproliferation and counterproliferation activities and programs recommends increased funding of $75.0 million annually for detection of underground structures. The committee recommended $5.0 million in PE 62601F to continue the HAARP project, but notes with concern that the capital cost of a full- scale HAARP facility could be as much as $90.0 million. Unless the Department of Defense is committed to include such a project in future budget requests, the recommended authorization for fiscal year 1995 will have little effect. Therefore the committee directed that none of these funds may be obligated or expended until the Secretary of Defense notifies the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives that the Department will, as part of the nonproliferation and counterproliferation program recommended in the May 1994 report, include the cost for a full- scale HAARP facility in its fiscal year 1996 budget request.

There are many significant issues that need to be resolved, however, before the concept can be evaluated for military applications such as detection of underground structures. These issues can be divided into six primary topics:

(1) the physics of, and methods for modeling the generation of ELF/VLF waves from various sources;

(2) methods for measuring ELF/VLF field components in a covert manner;

(3) methods for modeling and characterizing ELF/VLF wave propagation including the effects of surface topography and subsurface terrestrial properties;

(4) the physics of the propagation and attenuation of the secondary fields above the earth’s surface;

(5) procedures and algorithms for inverting measured electromagnetic field information to obtain subterranean conductivity structure particularly aimed at identifying and characterizing man-made structures or natural voids; and

(6) algorithms for producing unambiguous detection and classification of underground voids or structures in the presence of geological noise and clutter.

The Space Effects Division of the Phillips Laboratory Geophysics Directorate is interested in receiving proposals related to the theoretical understanding and practical development and demonstration of techniques for the detection of underground structures using ELF/VLF radio waves generated by natural and man-made sources. Issues to be examined by the proposers include: methods for measuring ELF/VLF field components by covert means; methods for characterizing, and interpreting ELF/VLF wave generation and propagation, including the effects of surface topography and subsurface geophysical properties; procedures for inverting the electromagnetic field properties to obtain realistic, depth-dependent geophysical parameters with particular interest in identifying man-made structures and natural voids within the surrounding geology; and algorithm development for the unambiguous detection of underground voids or man-made structures in the presence of real-world geophysical noise and clutter.

This PRDA seeks proposals of original and innovative research dealing with the development, implementation, and demonstration of these concepts. The proposer will need to demonstrate a basic understanding of the principles of ELF/VLF wave generation, ELF/VLF guided-wave propagation, instruments and measurement procedures and problems for ELF/VLF, methods for inversion of ELF/VLF data into depth-dependent geophysical models and for detecting zones or targets of interest and for characterizing those targets. Highly original and innovative proposals dealing with one or more of these topics relevant to this progam will be considered for funding.

Several distinct methods for ELF/VLF generation are available to support these efforts. Proposers are encouraged to consider including the controlled ELF/VLF sources provided by the 960KW HF transmitter of the HAARP, presently under construction outside Gakona, Alaska and the HIPAS facility located near Fairbanks, Alaska. PL/GPS is the program manager for the HAARP facility. The Office of Naval Research controls the HIPAS facility. Both sites will be available to support the research efforts under this PRDA. Original Source: globalsecurity.org

HAARP-related Patents

Some patents posted to illustrate the evolution of subterranean probing with ELF/VLF, technology based on HAARP’s directed energy weapon system, and methodology of creating plasma plumes using electron cyclotrons.

1959 PDF: 2881335 - Generation of Electrical Fields (FOR RE-CHARGING CLOUDS!)

1965 PDF: 3174150 - Self-focusing antenna system

1967 PDF: 3300721 - Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases

1969 PDF: 3445844 - Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System

1969 PDF: 3463959 - Charged Particle Accelerator Including Means for Converting a Rotating Helical Beam of Charged Particles Having Axial Motion Into a Nonrotating Beam of Charged Particles

1970 PDF: 3521153 - Geophysical Prospecting With Electromagnetic Waves of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)

1970 PDF: 3500175 - Electromagnetic Prospecting Apparatus Utilizing Very Low Frequency Radio Fields (VLF)

1970 PDF: 3548299 - Method and Apparatus Utilizing a Pair of Magnetic Field Detectors and an Electric Field Detector for Determining the Electric Resistance of the Subsoil by Means of Electromagnetic Waves

1971 PDF: 3614600 - Electromagnetic Prospecting Apparatus for Detecting Electrically or Magnetically Responsive Ore Bodies

1975 PDF: 3866111 - Method of mineral exploration by detecting electromagnetic energy at power line frequency

patent 3866111

1975 PDF: 3882393 - Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere

1977 PDF: 4004212 - (US Army) Mine detector system (JACKPOT!)

A mine detector system that utilizes an explosive comparator to increase sensitivity and selectivity. The system utilizes a generator to transmit a signal simultaneously toward the area to be scanned for mines and towards a sample of the explosive sought. Detectors are positioned within the device to receive the reflected signals from both the area to be scanned and the sample explosive. The outputs from both detectors are fed to preferably a null type comparator for correlation. When the two signals correlate, mine presence is indicated.

patent 4004212 HAARP

1977 PDF: 4035726 - Method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al

1980 PDF: 4216475 - (US Army) Digital beam former (Radar Array Controller)

1984 PDF: 4453108 - Device for generating RF energy from electromagnetic radiation of another form such as light

1985 PDF: 4491765 - (US Navy) Quasioptical gyroklystron

1985 PDF: 4553068 - (US Navy) High power millimeter-wave source

1985 PDF: 4559475 - (US Navy) Quasi-optical harmonic gyrotron and gyroklystron

1987 PDF: 4639674 - Apparatus and method employing extraneous field compensation for locating current-carrying objects (underground)

1987 PDF: 4641259 - (Stanford University) Adaptive signal processing array with suppession of coherent and non-coherent interferring signals

1987 PDF: 4686605 - (Raytheon) Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere

HAARP Patent - US 4686605 HAARP Patent - US 4686605 02 HAARP Patent - US 4686605 03

Assigned to APTI, Inc. Los Angeles, CA, Washington, DC

All E-systems and APTI patents were purchased by Raytheon (a defense contractor) in 1995.

In FIG. 5 there is shown the earth’s surface 40 with a well 41 extending downwardly thereinto until it penetrates hydrocarbon producing reservoir (OIL WELL)42. Hydrocarbon reservoir 42 produces natural gas alone or in combination with crude oil. Hydrocarbons are produced from reservoir 42 through well 41 and wellhead 43 to a treating system 44 by way of pipe 45. In treater 44, desirable liquids such as crude oil and gas condensates are separated and recovered by way of pipe 46 while undesirable gases and liquids such as water, H 2 S, and the like are separated by way of pipe 47. Desirable gases such as carbon dioxide are separated by way of pipe 48, and the remaining natural gas stream is removed from treater 44 by way of pipe 49 for storage in conventional tankage means (not shown) for future use and/or use in an electrical generator such as a magnetohydrodynamic gas turbine, fuel cell or EGD generator 50. Any desired number and combination of different types of electric generators can be employed in the practice of this invention.

The natural gas is burned in generator 50 to produce substantial quantities of electricity which is then stored and/or passed by way of wire 51 to a transmitter 52 which generates the electromagnetic radiation to be used in the method of this invention. The electromagnetic radiation is then passed by way of wire 53 to antenna 54 which is located at or near the end of field line 11. Antenna 54 (HAARP) sends circularly polarized radiation wave 20 upwards along field line 11 to carry out the various methods of this invention as described hereinabove. (ed note: like weather modification, shooting down ballistic missles, and causing earthquakes)

1987 PDF: 4712155 - Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region Of Plasma

1989 PDF: 4817495 - Defense System For Discriminating Between Objects In Space

1989 PDF: 4873928 - Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation

1990 PDF: 4954709 - High Resolution Directional Gamma Ray Detector

1990 PDF: 4959559 - (United States) Electromagnetic or other directed energy pulse launcher

You just can’t make this shit up……


HAARP patent 4959559 - Direct Energy Pulse Launcher

The invention relates generally to transmission of pulses of energy, and more particularly to the propagation of localized pulses of electromagnetic or acoustic energy over long distances without divergence.

As the Klingon battle cruiser attacks the Starship Enterprise, Captain Kirk commands “Fire photon torpedoes”. Two darts or blobs of light speed toward their target to destory the enemy spaceship. Stardate 1989, Star Trek reruns, or 3189, somewhere in intergalactic space. Fantasy or reality. The ability to launch localized packets of light or other energy which do not diverge as they travel great distances through space may incredibly be at hand.

Following the pioneering work of J. N. Brittingham, various groups have been actively pursuing the possibility that solutions to the wave equation can be found that allow the transmission of localized, slowly decaying pulses of energy, variously described as electromagnetic missiles or bullets, Bessel beams, transient beam fields, and splash pulses. These efforts have in common the space-time nature of the solutions being investigated and their potential launching mechanisms, pulse-driven antennas.

Solutions to Maxwell’s equations follow naturally from these scalar wave equation solutions. Such electromagnetic pulses, characterized by their high directionality and slow energy decay, are called electromagnetic directed-energy pulse trains (EDEPTs). They are a step closer to a classical description of a photon, a finite-energy solution of Maxwell’s equations that exhibits a wave/particle duality. The corresponding acoustic pulses, which are solutions of the scalar wave equation, are called ADEPTs

1991 PDF: 4999637 - Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above The Earth

1991 PDF: 5038664 - Method For Producing A Shell Of Relativistic Particles At An Altitude Above The Earth’s Surface

1991 PDF: 5041834 - Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer Which Can Be Tilted

HAARP patent 5041834 - Ionospheric Mirror

1991 PDF: 5068669 - Power Beaming System

1992 PDF: 5175500 - Method and apparatus for surveying terrain resistivity utilizing available VFL electromagnetic fields

1993 PDF: 5192827 - (US Army) Microwave projectile (RAILGUN! Google Metal Storm)

1993 PDF: 5202689 - Lightweight Focusing Reflector For Space

1993 PDF: 5211006 - Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion system (HAARP uses MHD)

Magnetohydrodynamic methods and apparatus for propelling a vehicle including: an endless closed loop vehicle housing; a plurality of spaced pairs of positive and negative electric field plates coupled to at least one voltage source and mounted in the housing for generating a plurality of discrete spaced electric fields within the housing; a plurality of electromagnetic field coils mounted in the housing with one field coil intermediate each pair of field plates for generating an endless segmented closed-loop magnetic field contained within the housing and intersecting the discrete electric fields at substantially right angles; a combustible fuel source; a plurality of microscopic rocket motors coupled to the fuel source with each rocket motor having a discharge nozzle disposed above and adjacent to respective different ones of the positive electric field plates for generating a plurality of plasma streams of positively charged fuel particles and free electrons; a plurality of ion deflection assemblies associated with respective different ones of the rocket motor discharge nozzles for deflecting the positively charged fuel particles through the endless closed-loop magnetic field and the intersecting electric fields where the particles are accelerated and acted upon by Lorentz forces to produce an equal and opposite reaction force on the magnetic field to propel the vehicle, while simultaneously deflecting the free electrons away from the magnetic field; and, an electrically conductive ion recombination assembly disposed beneath the magnetic field for recombining the free electrons with the positively charged fuel particles exiting the housing.

HAARP magnetohydrodynamic engine - UFO patent 5211006

HAARP magnetohydrodynamic engine - UFO patent 5211006 2

1993 PDF: 5218374 - Power Beaming System With Printer Circuit Radiating Elements Having Resonating Cavities

1994 PDF: 5293176 - Folded Cross Grid Dipole Antenna Element

1998 PDF: 5777572 - (Northrop Grumman) Device for damaging electronic equipment using unfocussed high power millimeter wave beams

2007 PDF: 7248052 - Electric power grid induced geophysical prospecting method and apparatus

patent 7248052 Prospecting with Power Poles

2007 PDF: 20070040725 - (Raytheon) Weapon having lethal and non-lethal directed-energy portions (SET PHASERS TO STUN!)

patent 20070040725 - LRAD on an M16

2009 PDF: 7629918 - (Raytheon) Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system

2010 PDF: 20100097262 - 3D Video-Doppler-Radar (VIDAR) Imaging System (Google Gotcha Spiral II, this is the real version of the movie Enemy of the State!)

patent 20100097262 - 3D video doppler radar - VIDAR

That was certainly an interesting list of patents which bring us to the conclusion of this virtual tour of the HAARP facility. I hope you enjoyed your stay and yall come back and see us some time. For added pleasure, continue reading these interesting articles. Note I can neither confirm nor deny the truth contained in the following contents, however they seem very legitimate and explain a few things not yet covered.


Source: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2006/05/06/18214461.php

For the last four years the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project HAARP) has been managed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) with Dr. Sheldon Z. Meth as the Program Manager. As of March 9, 2006 the official DARPA page for HAARP http://www.darpa.mil/ucar/programs/haarp.htm states that the high frequency transmitting array at the HAARP Research Station, Gakona, AK has been completed.

“The HAARP Interactive Ionospheric Research Observatory is a major Arctic facility for the study of upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics and for Radio Science and Communications research. Among the instruments included at the facility are a high power, high-frequency (HF) phased array radio transmitter, numerous radio frequency and optical research instruments capable of observing and monitoring the complex auroral ionosphere, and site infrastructure to support research activities. "

The above is from the official HAARP website http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp The high-frequency phased array radio transmitter mentioned is also called the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) and it is the heart of the HAARP program. The Final IRI (FIRI) is a field of 180 towers, each 72 feet tall with two crossed dipole antennas at the top of each tower. Slung beneath the towers is a wire grid for reflecting upward any radio emissions from the antennas that heads toward the ground. Beneath the mesh are small buildings called shelters for the radio transmitters. All of these elements are linked together to act as one giant transmitting antenna with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 3.6 million watts, making it the world’s largest radio broadcasting station.


Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund received the first of his three patents for a HAARP-like “Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere” (US Patent Number 4,686,605) on 11 August, 1987, while working for the ARCO subsidiary APTI. It was but the first of a dozen related patents that scientists on APTI’s payroll would take out over the next few years.

Officially, however, HAARP was conceived on the morning of 13 December 1989, when a joint Navy-Air Force meeting was held at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Washington, D.C. It has since been described as a discussion of their mutual interest in carrying out a Department of Defense (DoD) program in the area of ionospheric modification. Military and HAARP documents insist that it was at this meeting that the “need” for a unique heating facility to conduct “critical experiments” relating to potential DoD applications was “identified.”

The official tale of the birth of HAARP claims that the Navy and Air Force personnel at that after-breakfast meeting at ONR decided to bring the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in on the project. Consequently, Navy and Air Force 08personnel trooped over to DARPA later that day to present their proposal for a DoD sponsored program. As well as representatives of DARPA, people from the Office of the Defense Director of Research & Engineering (DDR&E) were also present at that second meeting of the day.

This led to an Ionospheric Modification/ELF Workshop held the following month at NUSC on 9-11 January 1990. It was attended by personnel from a number of government agencies, as well as from several universities and the private sector. The workshop was billed as providing “an opportunity for broad-based inputs concerning research needs in ionospheric modification. In addition, potential systems were defined, and the characteristics of a new, unique, HF heating facility were discussed and identified.”

In a year’s time the project moved off of the drawing boards and into reality. The Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 1990 provided funds for the creation of HAARP, jointly managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research. Three contracts were awarded to ARCO Power Technologies (APTI) to begin feasibility studies in 1991. In 1992 the principal contract to begin construction was awarded, also to APTI.

Early November 1993 the United States Air Force announced, via press release, that the prime contractor on the HAARP program was Arco Power Technologies, Incorporated, (APTI) owner of the patents of Eastlund and other APTI scientists.

Initial prototype construction began at the Gakona, Alaska site in late 1993 and was completed a year later in late ‘94. During that time APTI bailed on the project and mysteriously sold it to a major defense contractor, E-Systems of Dallas, Texas.

The following year, 1995, Raytheon bought E-Systems and all the APTI patents they held. That same year Congress budgeted $10 million for HAARP for FY 1996 under “Counterproliferation - Advanced Development” spending. In the FY 1997 Descriptive Summary of the Counterproliferation Advanced Development Budget HAARP appears under the sub-heading “Project P539 Counterforce.” There it is recorded that “In FY96, Congress added $10 Million to be used for the High-Frequency Acoustic [sic] Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to this project.” Elsewhere in that report it states “…in FY96 only, the Congressionally added HAARP program funds will be used to explore the ability of auroral transmissions to detect and locate underground structures of the type where WMD [Weapons of Mass Destruction] can be developed or stored.”

The HAARP final ionospheric research instrument (FIRI) was planned to be a field of 180 antennas arranged in a rectangular grid of 12 rows by 15 columns. Initially a smaller set of elements was constructed so that the predicted performance could be verified before the entire facility is built. That initial phase of the program was called the Developmental Prototype (DP). By April of 1995 the DP array of 48 antenna towers arranged as 8 columns by 6 rows had been completed. Thirty additional unpowered and unused towers were also erected at that time.

The first round of tests of the DP was in April 1995. More start-up tests were conducted in July and November of 1995, while tests of the aircraft detection radar were conducted in September of that year. The aircraft alert radar (AAR) is intended to automatically shut off “appropriate transmissions” when aircraft are detected within, or approaching a “safety zone” established around the HAARP site.

HAARP documents claim that the facility was shut down at the end of the last set of initial low power tests on the DP on 21 November, 1995. Officially, no testing was conducted from that time until the HAARP facility was at last put to scientific use for the first time, over a year later. A two week flurry of scientific research activity, called a “campaign,” took place from 27 February to 14 March, 1997. In addition to science experiments, this two week period included several visits from tour groups; participation in a lecture series by HAARP personnel at the nearby community college; a public talk on ionospheric research and the HAARP facility; and the first HAARP-Amateur radio listening test.

During the early part of the August 1997 testing period several experiments were performed with the NASA WIND satellite which was at a favorable position in its orbit.

The third annual HAARP Open House was held 23-24 August, 1997. Program personnel were present to discuss the project and to give demonstrations and tours of the facility. Several experts in ionospheric physics were also present to discuss the research plans and the physics of the earth’s upper atmosphere.

They wanted to finish erecting the FIRI by 2002 but got their budget slashed. It appears that the in-coming President, George W. Bush, was more concerned with his anti-missile missile defense program than with ionospheric research, or exotic electromagnetic weapons research, depending on which HAARP really is, and killed HAARP’s funding for the first two years of his administration.

Initially HAARP was jointly managed by ONR and the Air Force’s Phillips Laboratory in Massachusetts. In 2002 Project Management of HAARP was transferred to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It would seem that DARPA was brought in to whip the project into shape. According to the official DARPA webpage for HAARP their portion of the project has now been completed and HAARP is being “transitioned” back to the Air Force and Navy in FY2006.

Per the official DARPA fact sheet:

“The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions.”

There are eight technical offices in DARPA. HAARP came under The Tactical Technology Office (TTO). According to their fact sheet:

“The Tactical Technology Office engages in high-risk, high-payoff advanced technology development of military systems, emphasizing the “system” and “subsystem” approach to the development of Unmanned Systems, Space Systems and Tactical Multipliers.”

DARPA’s official word on HAARP, as of 3/9/06 is:

“The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) developed new experimental research capabilities and conducted research programs to exploit emerging ionosphere and radio science technologies related to advanced defense applications. The FY 1990 Appropriation Act provided funds for the creation of HAARP, jointly managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research to exploit emerging ionosphere and high power radio technology for new military systems applications. Key to the current effort was the expansion of the experimental research facility that includes a 3.6 MW high-frequency transmitter and a variety of diagnostic instruments, to conduct investigations to characterize the physical processes that can be initiated and controlled in the ionosphere and space, via interactions with high power radio waves. Among these were: (1) the generation of extremely low frequency/very low frequency radio waves for submarine and other subsurface communication, and the reduction of charged particle populations in the radiation belts to ensure safe spacecraft systems operations; (2) the control of electron density gradients and the refractive properties in selected regions of the ionosphere to create radio wave propagation channels; and (3) the generation of optical and infrared emissions in space to calibrate space sensors. To date, the facility has been developed to include a suite of optical and radio diagnostics and an advanced, modern, high frequency transmitting array that has a radiated power of 960 kW, about one-third of the 3.6MW called for in the original concept and plan. The current high frequency transmitting array has proven to be extremely reliable and flexible, and has shown the feasibility of the overall concept. However, results to date have indicated that the advanced applications-related research activities and new military system concept demonstrations envisioned under the program require that the high frequency transmitting capability at the site be increased from the present 960 kW level to the originally planned 3.6 MW level. A study completed by an Air Force/ Navy Panel also pointed to additional high-value functions that can potentially be accomplished with the a 3.6 MW capability, in particular, the exploration and refinement of scientific principles that could lead to the development and deployment of a system to provide protection for spacebased assets from emergent asymmetric threats. DARPA established an MOA with the Air Force and Navy for this program in November 2002. The HAARP technology is transitioning to the Air Force and Navy in FY 2006.

“Program Plans . Completed the HAARP high frequency transmitting array at the HAARP Research Station, Gakona, AK. . Prepared the existing HAARP facility in preparation for ionospheric testing. . Conducted advanced ionosphere and radio science research and analysis of applications including space-based asset protection and phenomena related to its implementation.”

Not only was Dr. Meth in charge of HAARP, he also manages programs called Air Laser and MAgneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM)! Does it seem odd to you that a guy running a lazar development program and designing some kind of bomb would also be tinkering with how the top of the atmosphere reacts to radio waves?

DARPA signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Air Force and Navy to run this program for them in November 2002. On 17 February 2003 a Press Release went out announcing that BAE Systems North America had reached a definitive agreement with Advanced Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI), to purchase the corporation for $27 million in cash (note that somewhere along the line the “A” in APTI changed from “ARCO” to “Advanced”). That Press Release has since been deleted from BAE’s website. Details on this purchase have completely vanished from the Internet. I called a spokesperson at APTI and got very little information. Indeed, when I asked about HAARP the poor fellow had never heard of it - or so he claimed!

After purchasing APTI BAE Systems then owned the intellectual property, the patents, that make HAARP possible. When HAARP’s funding was resumed they automatically got the contract. This is important evidence that HAARP is a ground-based weapons systems, as laid out in those patents, as has been discussed in several books on HAARP, including mine.

One year and two months after purchasing APTI, BAE Systems announced that they had received a contract from the Navy for $35 Million to complete the HAARP Program. In a Press Release dated 10 June 2004, BAE Systems proclaimed:

“The Office of Naval Research has awarded BAE Systems a $35.4 million contract to manufacture 132 high frequency (HF) transmitters for installation in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program’s (HAARP) phased array antenna system. The contract was finalized April 19 with BAE Systems Information & Electronic Warfare Systems in Washington, D. C.”

BAE Systems lost no time in farming out the HAARP contract. Five days after getting the job from the Navy they sub-contracted it to DRS Technologies.



“Parsippany, NJ, June 15 – DRS Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: DRS) announced today that it has received a $23.3 million contract, including options, to provide high-frequency (HF) radio transmitters for the High- Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which supports a U. S. government Arctic research facility being built to study the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

“The $11.5 million base contract was awarded to DRS by BAE Systems PLC (LSE: BA. L). For this award, DRS will manufacture more than 60 Model D616G 10-Kilowatt Dual Transmitters to fulfill the transmitter requirements for the HAARP program. Work for this order will be performed by the company’s DRS Broadcast Technology unit in Dallas, Texas. Product deliveries to BAE Systems’ Information and Electronic Warfare Systems in Washington, D.C., are scheduled to begin in March 2005 and continue for approximately one year.

“We are pleased to continue our role as a premier supplier of transmitters for the HAARP program,” said Steven T. Schorer, president of DRS’s C4I Group. “This award enhances DRS’s position as a leader in high-technology radio frequency solutions for secure and tactical communications systems supporting the applications of the government scientific research community.”

“The high-frequency or short-wave Model D616G Transmitters were designed specifically for the U. S. government HAARP research facility. Currently, the ionosphere provides long-range capabilities for commercial ship-to-shore communications, transoceanic aircraft links, and military communications and surveillance systems.

“A primary goal of HAARP is to understand how variations in the sun’s radiation affect the performance of radio systems and to improve military command, control, communications and surveillance systems.

“DRS Broadcast Technology, formerly known as Continental Electronics, is a global leader in broadcast transmitter equipment. It is the foremost supplier of advanced radio frequency transmission technology and the world’s most experienced provider of the highest power radio broadcast equipment, offering a full range of products for broadcasting, military and scientific applications.

“DRS Technologies, headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey, provides leading edge products and services to defense, government intelligence and commercial customers. Focused on defense technology, DRS develops and manufactures a broad range of mission critical systems. The company employs 5,800 people worldwide.”

So, what do the spokesfolks at HAARP say they are doing now? From the HAARP website:

“Since March 1999, when the current 960 kW power capability became available, approximately 7-10 research campaigns have been conducted annually at the Gakona facility. Research periods are scheduled throughout the year; however, specific research areas are studied optimally during certain seasons. For example, the detection of optical emissions is best studied during the winter when clear, dark skies are frequent. Two such campaigns were conducted during 2002 and 2003. Extended research campaigns were conducted during the summers of 2002 and 2003 to observe and characterize the seasonal occurrence of an upper atmospheric phenomenon called Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) that occurs only at high latitudes in the summer.”

This infrequently up-dated site seldom reflects when the array is in use. Usually the site does not mention such use until months, or even years after, and then usually in very vague terms. As I write this, the site claims the last time the IRI was in use was November of 2003. Independent researchers have established that the site was in near daily use in 2005, however. As best anyone can tell the technicians spent the days wiring up the new transmitters and antennae, then spent several hours each night broadcasting to check the quality of the workmanship and equipment.

So, that is where HAARP is today, a $300 million dollar plus “upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics” observatory – that may or may not also be a whole lot more.

Even if HAARP is exactly what it says it is, is that something good?

A key DoD document defines HAARP saying:

“The heart of the program will be the development of a unique ionospheric heating capability to conduct the pioneering experiments required to adequately assess the potential for exploiting ionospheric enhancement technology for DOD purposes.”

Let’s break that down. Technically HAARP is a type of device called an ionospheric heater because injecting all that radio frequency energy (3.6 billions watts) into the atmosphere heats it up. The big difference between HAARP and the dozen or so other ionospheric heaters in the world is that HAARP, based on the Eastlund/APTI patents is a uniquely designed phased antenna array. This phasing, or sequencing of the firing of the transmitters/ antenna field allows for the focusing ability that sets HAARP apart from its peers. If used for over-the-horizon surveillance it would also have made HAARP a violation of the ABM Treaty, which was still in effect when work on HAARP began, and may be the real reason for the military’s calling HAARP a civilian science project in the first place.

Heating the atmosphere changes it, so you can make it do things. In this case the amount of heating literally blows the molecules of the air apart. That is what is meant by “ionospheric enhancement.” You have to love the use of the word enhancement – only the military would think that breaking something makes it better! This heating to the point where the molecules are blown apart causes it to give off a “scream” of extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves that penetrate deep into the earth and deep into the seas. The project was initially funded specifically to do this: to use this ionospherically generated ELF to communicate with deeply submerged submarines and to engage in something earth penetrating tomography to target and monitor enemy underground bases for the manufacture and launch of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). This heating also turns the “excited region” into a plasma (an electrically charged gas) that goes out into space, possibly destroying anything electronic (like an ICBM or a spy satellite) that passes through it. It also changes the shape and radio wave bounce characteristics of the ionosphere, effectively jamming some radio communications channels.

And what are DoD purposes? Why, to win wars! to make new weapons or to make existing weapons and personal more effective (which is called a force multiplier). So, simply put, what this quote says is that the DoD wants to know if they can use this technology to turn the atmosphere into a weapon, or use it to improve existing weapons.

As I have been asking for almost a decade now, is weaponizing the atmosphere a good idea? What about unintended and unexpected consequences? What happens when the enemy responds in kind? And why is it that the mainstream press is so silent on these issues?

This and a great deal more will be addressed in my new book “WEATHER WARFARE: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature.” It should appear in bookstores in the fall of 2006. It will begin with an up-date on the many changes that have taken place behind the scenes with the HAARP project, from its change of management and ownership of the intellectual property that propels the program, to the creation of a defensive missile base “next door,” to its possible role in the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia. Beyond that, the book will uncover the facts behind the next generation of 21st Century weapons and the globalist agendas that drive their development. About 1/3 of the book will cover “chemtrails” and the many government, scientific and private operations that are putting dangerous aerosols into our atmosphere.

Jerry E. Smith

Author & Lecturer

Vice President for Marketing, Public Relations & Product Development

Adventures Unlimited Press

jerryesmith at frontiernet.net

http://www.jerryesmith.com/ (HAARP & other writings)

http://www.secretsoftheholylance.com/book/index.php (Holy Lance site)

http://www.ryze.com/go/jesmith (contains my full Press Kit)


Author of “HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy” and co-author of the “SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE: The Spear of Destiny in History & Legend,” both from Adventures Unlimited Press (AUP). Since HAARP’s North American release in 1998 it has been translated into Portuguese, in 2005, by Editora Aleph of São Paulo, Brazil as “ARMAS ELETROMAGNÉTICAS: seria o projeto Haarp a próxima ameaça mundial?” and in 2001 into Polish by Amber Supermedia as “HAARP BRON OSTATECZNA.” “SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE” is co-authored with George Piccard, author of “LIQUID CONSPIRACY: JFK, LSD, the CIA, Area 51, and UFOs” (AUP, 1999).

This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters Also see our Space-Weather Modification Timeline

Jim Lee, ClimateViewer News
Jim Lee
Creator of ClimateViewer News

“I am forever a Boy Scout, lifetime artist, nocturnal programmer, music is my life, love is my religion, and I am the luckiest husband and father on Earth. I speak for the trees. I have a passion for mapping, magnets, and mysteries.”

About Jim Lee
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The History of HAARP Heating and Holes in Heaven


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