Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (“JOGMEC”, Headquarter: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Hirobumi Kawano), which has been conducting preparation works for the first offshore production test off the coasts of Atsumi and Shima peninsulas, started a flow test applying the depressurization method and confirmed production of methane gas estimated from methane hydrate layers on March 12, 2013.Website: www.jogmec.go.jp Press Release: http://www.japanportal.jp/JOGMECnewsrelease_130312.pdf ScienceDirect.com: Geochemical studies of pore fluid in surface sediment on the Daini Atsumi KnollJOGMEC will start analyzing data while it continues the flow test. Since this is a flow test of flammables, please do not approach to thesite because of the safety reason.
Methane Hydrate R&D Division, Technical Department Fax: +81-43-276-4062 Email: mh21info@jogmec.go.jp
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