UPDATE July 8, 2018: Thai Cave Rescue: Cloud Seeding to Stop Monsoon Rains?
"Joint teams from Israel and one of the neighboring countries make the clouds entering into Iran barren. Moreover, we are faced with the cases of cloud theft and snow theft," Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of Iran's Civil Defense Organization
General Sees Foreign Plots in Iran Climate Change - July 2, 2018
Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization said he is suspicious about the role of enemies in climate change in Iran, saying the Zionist regime of Israel makes the clouds barren before they roll across Iran.
Iranian general says Israel stealing Iran’s clouds - July 2, 2018
The head of Iran's Civil Defense Organization claims Israel is 'working to ensure clouds entering Iranian skies are unable to release rain,' insisting this was confirmed by an Iranian scientific study; but head of Iran's meteorological service says 'it is not possible for a country to steal clouds.',7340,L-5302428,00.html
Iran general blames Israel for ‘cloud theft,’ then is rebuked by Islamic Republic scientist - July 2, 2018
Iranian general blames water woes on Israeli ‘cloud theft’ - July 2, 2018
In a video last month addressed to Iranians, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered to share Israel’s water expertise with Iran, saying “the Iranian people are victims of a cruel and tyrannical regime that denies them vital water.”
Netanyahu told the Iranians that Israel faced similar water issues and found ways of dealing with them, adding that Israeli technology can help the Iranians.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe ‘stealing Iran’s rain’ - May 21, 2011
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused Western countries of plotting to "cause drought" in Iran by using high tech equipment to drain the clouds of raindrops.
Ahmadinejad accuses the West of ‘stealing Iran’s rain’ AGAIN - September 11, 2012
Former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2011 accused Western countries of devising plans to “cause drought” in Iran, adding that “European countries used special equipment to force clouds to dump” their water on their continent.
Weather Engineering in China - March 25, 2008
How the Chinese plan to modify the weather in Beijing during the Olympics, using supercomputers and artillery.
To prevent rain over the roofless 91,000-seat Olympic stadium that Beijing natives have nicknamed the Bird’s Nest, the city’s branch of the national Weather Modification Office–itself a department of the larger China Meteorological Administration–has prepared a three-stage program for the 2008 Olympics this August.
First, Beijing’s Weather Modification Office will track the region’s weather via satellites, planes, radar, and an IBM p575 supercomputer, purchased from Big Blue last year, that executes 9.8 trillion floating point operations per second. It models an area of 44,000 square kilometers (17,000 square miles) accurately enough to generate hourly forecasts for each kilometer.
Then, using their two aircraft and an array of twenty artillery and rocket-launch sites around Beijing, the city’s weather engineers will shoot and spray silver iodide and dry ice into incoming clouds that are still far enough away that their rain can be flushed out before they reach the stadium.
Finally, any rain-heavy clouds that near the Bird’s Nest will be seeded with chemicals to shrink droplets so that rain won’t fall until those clouds have passed over. Zhang Qian, head of Beijing’s Weather Modification Office, explains, “We use a coolant made from liquid nitrogen to increase the number of droplets while decreasing their average size. As a result, the smaller droplets are less likely to fall, and precipitation can be reduced.” August is part of Northeast Asia’s rainy season; chances of precipitation over Beijing on any day that month will approach 50 percent. Still, while tests with clouds bearing heavy rain loads haven’t always been successful, Qian claims that “the results with light rain have been satisfactory.”
‘How we made the Chernobyl rain’ - April 22, 2007
Russian military pilots have described how they created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.
Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly took to the skies above Chernobyl and Belarus and used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities.
More than 4,000 square miles of Belarus were sacrificed to save the Russian capital from the toxic radioactive material.
"The wind direction was moving from west to east and the radioactive clouds were threatening to reach the highly populated areas of Moscow, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl," he told Science of Superstorms, a BBC2 documentary to be broadcast today.
"If the rain had fallen on those cities it would've been a catastrophe for millions. The area where my crew was actively influencing the clouds was near Chernobyl, not only in the 30km zone, but out to a distance of 50, 70 and even 100 km."
In the wake of the catastrophic meltdown of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, people in Belarus reported heavy, black-coloured rain around the city of Gomel. Shortly beforehand, aircraft had been spotted circling in the sky ejecting coloured material behind them.
Moscow has always denied that cloud seeding took place after the accident, but last year on the 20th anniversary of the disaster, Major Grushin was among those honoured for bravery. He claims he received the award for flying cloud seeding missions during the Chernobyl clean-up.
A second Soviet pilot, who asked not to be named, also confirmed to the programme makers that cloud seeding operations took place as early as two days after the explosion.
Alan Flowers, a British scientist who was one of the first Western scientists allowed into the area to examine the extent of radioactive fallout around Chernobyl, said that the population in Belarus was exposed to radiation doses 20 to 30 times higher than normal as a result of the rainfall, causing intense radiation poisoning in children.
Mr Flowers was expelled from Belarus in 2004 after claiming that Russia had seeded the clouds. He said: "The local population say there was no warning before these heavy rains and the radioactive fallout arrived."
Russia Stopped Chernobyl Cloud - April 21, 2008
We conclude our series featuring Dr. Beryulev’s report on Russia’s weather modification projects with this interesting perspective on stopping rain.
To crystallize one cubic km of [a] supercooled cloud, it is usually enough to seed it by several hundred grams of dry ice or [with] several grams of silver iodide.
After seeding a cloud or fog by ice particles in favorable conditions, an intensive cloud crystallization process begins, and in 5-10 minutes ice crystals are observed to fall out of the cloud.
In this case, one passage of a seeding airplane results in producing a dissipation zone with an average 3-5 km width.
The full clearing of the target site from cloud drops and precipitation particles occurs in 35-50 minutes after seeding.
The methods to destroy developing convective clouds differing in intensity, from cumulus congestus to cumulonimbus, using a dynamic technique, i.e. artificially generated downdrafts, were theoretically justified by scientists from the Russian Institute of Applied Geophysics and thoroughly tested under laboratory and field conditions by specialists from the CAO.
It has been found out that downdrafts in the upper cloud part can be produced by an artificial air jet directed downward, through seeding powders or dispersing water mass in it.
Also, downdrafts in a cumulonimbus congestus can be generated by enhancing precipitation falling into them from aloft.
The dynamic destruction of cumulonimbi through seeding their tops by powdery material has proved sufficiently effective.
Thus, the seeding of single-cell isolated air-mass clouds and frontal clouds accounts for a 90% and 60-65% score, respectively.
The seeding of 30 kg or more of coarse-dispersion powders (per cloud top) resulted in the destruction of single-cell isolated clouds within 10-20 minutes and frontal ones within 30-35 minutes.
The other two methods out of the four mentioned at the beginning of this section use weather modification techniques similar to that employed in the first method aimed at the dissipation of clouds and fogs.
In both cases it is possible to estimate the distance of advance seeding relative to the protected territory so as to prevent undesirable clouds and precipitation from reaching it.
In some synoptic situations, overseeding may prove to be the most appropriate procedure. This is due to its capability to reduce precipitation significantly and to its faster action facilitating the production of an artificial crystallization zone (with reduced or not precipitation) over a protected territory, which is especially important in conditions of a complex and variable wind field.
All the procedures and technical aids described above were employed successfully in the activities associated with eliminating the consequences of [the] Chernobyl disaster and improving weather conditions[s] in Moscow (November 7, 1984; May 8-9, 1995, September 5-7, 1997, July 13 and 19, 1998, May 9, 2000, September 2-3, 2000, September 1-2, 2001, June 12 and 15, 2004; August 31 and September 1, 2002), Tashkent (1994-2002) and Astana (June 9-10, 1998).
BERYULEV G.P. Head, Department of Cloud Physics and Weather Modification. Central Aerological Observatory, Rosgidromet, Russian Federation
CIA Project Nile Blue - Rain Embargo on Cuban Sugar Crops - 1969-1970
Did the CIA order weather modification to ruin the Cuban sugar crop in 1969 and 1970, or didn't it?
Lowell Ponte, former researcher for International Research and Technology Corporation, a Pentagon "think tank," says the CIA and Pentagon ordered seeding off the shores of Cuba, to "milk" rain clouds, at a time when Castro's fortunes seemingly depended on a successful harvest of sugar cane.
The CIA has categorically denied it practiced cloud seeding anywhere except in Vietnam during that time period.
Ponte says the Cuban experiment was part of "Project Nile Blue," carried on officially starting in 1970 by the Pentagon's Advanced Reseach Projects Agency (ARPA). ...
Ponte adds that "Nile Blue" was really aimed at "destabilizing" weather in the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba, to ruin harvests and create political unrest.
The Nile Blue program made use of what was at the time the world's largest computer, ILLIAC IV, the construction of which had also been funded by ARPA. It would have to be considered of inestimable value if someone had decided for once to anticipate the environmental effects of a proposed very large scale man-made technological intervention. One can only hope that this is actually why the program was initiated. As already indicated, as early as 1961 a RAND report on weather modification emphasized the complexity of atmospheric processes and the interrelation of modification and prediction. Perhaps it is also of interest that the only two reports that deal with weather and climate prepared by the US Central Intelligence Agency that have been publicly released deal with similar broad considerations of weather, climate, food production,etc. (49) It is unlikely, however, that the program was quite so benign. In 1962, years before the Nile Blue Program was initiated, ARPA had contracted for a classified research project with the title Some Upper Atmosphere Aspects of Chemical Geophysical Warfare.
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