Frequently Asked Question Pages

Weather Modification: Chemical and Electric Weather Control

Thursday, Jun 29, 2023

Weather modification is a worldwide industry with airplane and ground-based cloud-seeding generators burning chemicals to add more seeds to clouds wit [...]

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The Environmental Modification Accountability Act #ENMODAA

Sunday, Nov 12, 2017

An Act To End Atmospheric Experimentation Without Notification Desiring to effectively prohibit military or any other hostile use of environmental mod [...]

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#CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Artificial Clouds

Friday, Sep 13, 2013

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” – Edgar Allan Poe The goal of the chemtrail conspiracy is clear: keep people distracted wh [...]

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Geoengineering, Climate Engineering, and Climate Intervention

Thursday, Jan 3, 2013

“The emissions and the climate change that we’re causing with that is already a massive experiment on our world that we don’t really know the outcome [...]

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Space Weather Modification: HAARP and the Sky Heaters

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2012

What is HAARP? The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a 3.6 million watt antenna array operated by the US military in Gakona, A [...]

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ClimateViewer Pollution Tracker - Mapping Climate Change Today!

Monday, Jul 4, 2011

I created ClimateViewer 3D to map climate change today and see the big picture. ClimateViewer News is a natural extension of my work on mapping pollut [...]

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New World Order Technocrats and the Surveillance State

Monday, Jul 4, 2011

Multinational Signals Intelligence War leads to the erosion of liberty for the benefit of the military-industrial complex. World War II set in motion [...]

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Nuclear Radiation Maps and Health Effects

Monday, Jul 4, 2011

Why should I care about Nuclear Reactors? “Electricity is but the fleeting by-product from nuclear reactors. The actual product is forever deadly radi [...]

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Propaganda, Fake News, and Activism

Monday, Jul 4, 2011

Slavespeak and the Mental Plantation The Anatomy of Slavespeak is an amazing paper that teaches you how people use words that take your power away and [...]

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Wi-Fried! Cellphones, WiFi, and EMF Health Effects

Monday, Jul 4, 2011

Why you should care about EMF Exposure: We Are Electric Human beings are bio-electrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bio-e [...]

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